Cyber Thuggery: Threats to Person and Stalking on Youtube (Updated 2020-09-05)

[2020-09-05 update: decided to add another clear example of cyber-stalking at the bottom. It has been ongoing, but this latest episode is easy to recognize without having to give much background info.]

[2018-12-08 update highlighted in green below concerning disturbing behavior from Hovind (see new Sep 2019 video related to this); 2018-09-23 interesting update at bottom]

[2018-07-09 5:34 PM CST UPDATE: Found two more sad comments in my email – these are from “Viper 9” (cf Mat 23.33) about “Agrippa 7” meeting me in person for my “reward” at home or in a shopping mall – the latter is “less drama to clean up” I’m told:



[2018-07-09 2:59 AM CST UPDATE — HEADS UP! I just made a post on Kent’s latest video four hours ago mentioning this blog post (originally posted on May 7, 2018) and just received two ominous responses from one of the brown-shirt thugs documented below. Here are screenshots of the two messages “Agrippa 7″ sent me I just discovered in my email (note the names in the email addresses, ‘wearewatching’ and ‘yourfucked’ [sic]):




Here’s the post I left on Kent’s latest video (bottom):


End update\]

Back to original post:

Just want to document the open and brazen threats by one “John Wesley” ongoing for the last few hours over at Kent Hovind’s YEC Youtube channel aimed at myself under my TTS NEWS account. [For the record I strongly disagree with some of Kent’s theological interpretations and views]

I have reported this to Youtube and the threatening language has escalated since. Not sure if it will make a difference or if I’ll have to take it to the next level.

One post was redone because the first was ghosted for using the word “rape” apparently – even altering it to “r.a.p.e” didn’t work so I sent a shorter version without it. (See screenshots below.)

You’ll notice I made no accusations and was targeted after adding my two cents to “Westydown’s” post before I was told I was being reported and then threatened when I said they should be the ones investigated — they were the one actually accusing others and then making threats after all.

The threats continued to increase against me including references to see how “tough” I am (a clear physical threat) and tracking IPs (clear threat of stalking) while gaslighting me by denying there were any threats but only ‘promises.’ Sure and you’re not insane just psychotic?

I’ve posted blog posts on this nature of activities happening to me with various examples (ie, cyber stalking, subtle threats, mirroring behavior as in mimicking me including echoing things I say and do even while offline as a signal to me that I’m being closely monitored) occurring over many years clearly pointing to high-level spy activity and backdoor access by either military or other intelligence services, NGOs or gov’t proxies and other rogue elements or a combination (see news articles below).

However what I’m reporting here is a new level of naked cyber thuggery on clear display in front of the public to put a chill on free speech and discourse and I just happened to get caught up in it and can see similarities to what I’ve experienced for years as I just mentioned.

This suspect “John Wesley” on Kent’s channel is believed to be running multiple accounts and/or in concert with a team of others according to ongoing user discussion going back weeks and months – even Kent brings it up regularly in videos. The suspect or suspects have made similar threats before, namely to one regular user “Westydown” (see below), when the same subject of pedophilia was raised only this time as “John Wesley,”  — likely the same user from before since he doesn’t deny the connection made by “Westydowns” and responds as if carrying on the same conversation where it first came up.

They or someone like them have also openly duplicated other user accounts (name and picture) who are regular Kent supporters (including “Westydowns“) only to launch “false flag” attacks and insults and give false testimonies then switch back to their other sock puppet accounts to claim whatever petty success, etc. Just total antisocial psychotic behavior continuing unchecked for months.

There is also open discussion about these suspects somehow banning people on Kent’s channel (mainly from “Westydown“) and they don’t deny it but seem to think it’s normal, including the ability to unban sock puppet accounts previously banned by the channel, presumably for harassment or verbal abuse.

Tight restrictions are also imposed on Kent’s channel to where posts are blocked for using “God” or “Jesus” or some bible citations as if they were curse words — this has happened to me many times. Kent denied any knowledge of it when I told him about it on the phone some weeks back (he gives out his number on his videos). He asked me to send an email to one of his tech guys named Steve about it which I did but it seems to have not improved the situation. (See article below reporting now 300+ groups, including SPLC protected with NDA working with Youtube to control free speech under the guise of fighting hate speech, etc)

BTW, I have had my own posts blocked on my own channel (related to an article about the establishment leftist Podesta Group’s pro-Putin work thus showing all the hyperventilating about “Russiagate” to be complete theatrics to stupefy and divide the country and forcing the ‘Right’ into Putin’s arms (unthinkable just decades ago but in line with Ford Foundation plans disclosed in 1954 to Norman Dodd, chief Congressional investigator into Tax Exempt Foundations) – where the establishment Left-wing has been, again showing how easily the public is manipulated) — so I know the channel controls can be overridden against the channel creator’s will. Even a link to a screenshot of the blocked posts was itself blocked (!!!) I ended up having to tweet it out with screenshots. And in case you are wondering, no I don’t live in China, I’m in Texas.

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There has also been open bragging from the suspect(s) as to being from an ‘elite’ cadre funded by the UN and NATO with a passing reference to intel sharing and even handling “wet works” for US agencies when needed (seen a few screenshots below) — I called and spoke with Kent again about this troubling chatter at the time. Someone else mentioned association with the SBS British Army and having their IPs washed and untraceable elsewhere under the username “Kent Hovind Original” (will include screenshots of this last comment when I can locate it again, not sure if it has been deleted now).

[Screenshot below was re-grabbed on 2018-05-19 at 10:15 pm (CST) to include full responses in the thread. From video: 5-6-18 Dr. Kent Hovind: Lies in the textbook – Grand Canyon]

5-6-18 Dr. Kent Hovind_ Lies in the textbook - Grand Canyon - YouTu_ -

Notice “John Wesley” has an avatar that says “Agrippa.” Here’s a close-up with a channel view:

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Now here’s a user account I’ve interacted with before (as shown below) with the name “Agrippa 7” accompanied by an avatar of someone in commando gear complete with balaclava and assault rifle with trigger-finger at the ready — a clear intimidation tactic (screenshot dated 2018-05-04 at 5:37 am CST):

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Agrippa 7” spells color as “colour” in the above post which suggests this suspect was not taught using American English.

Update: 2018-05-19 at 11:08 pm (CST): I just revisited the thread to get a better pic of the above avatar and discovered that the user has changed the avatar to a picture of Hovind and the username is now called “Blocked by Hovind” which obviously isn’t the case or we wouldn’t be able to see it but what we do see is another example of the slithering slimy deceptiveness that hallmarks this\these black-op actor\s:

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The user’s channel also has a video playlist showing an interest in — surprise surprise — British military “secretive and lethal” activities — gee maybe that explains the previous choice of military commando avatar and dodgy behavior? Probably not a coincidence.

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Now here’s some disturbing chatter openly flirting with violence also from Kent’s channel on 2018-04-26 at 6:05 pm CST that ties in NATO and the UN (which “Westydowns” mentioned above) with passing reference to “wet work” (assassination) and intel sharing — clear thuggery intimidation tactics on display.

After seeing this I spoke to Hovind and advised him to make a report since I had also seen other ominous chatter making comparisons between Hovind’s Dinosaur Adventure Land and the Koresh compound in Waco as if there was some kind of set up in the works, [2018-07-10 update with link and additional info: especially since Hovind himself read a hostile report on 2018-04-09 from a local newspaper (The Monthly View) where the writer talks about the FBI may be secretly investigating him and everyone he comes in contact with. Coincidentally as always, I spoke to Kent on the phone the first time just days before this article came out when I told him I thought his phone was being monitored since it has been made abundantly clear to me that even mine is and I’m nobody. A similar thing happened days after I updated this post with info about SPLC policing Youtube and using thuggish tactics against those they view as political opponents (details below). This fits a larger pattern ongoing for many years which I briefly touched on above (echoing things I say or my ideas) and cover a small speck of elsewhere on this blog involving a certain media personality. Anyways, here’s Kent reading about it @ 19:08 from the video, Dr. Kent Hovind 4-9-18 Questions and Answers. End update/]

[quick link update 2018-06-09: This general activity is admitted to a limited-extent and being poo-pooed in a Vice article from 2018-06-04, “Your Phone Is Listening and it’s Not Paranoia” the last sentence says, “It’s not ideal, but I don’t think it poses an immediate threat to most people.” Well that’s good to hear. See articles below for more info on its use for intel and law enforcement thuggery while most media reports only speak about the commercial aspects of these privacy violations which is really only a side benefit for these DoD proxy companies (update within update 2018-07-06: and definitely look into NSA whistle-blower Karen Stewart I discovered a week ago who has been targeted for years and sounds credible in many things she describes so far and has confirmed some of my own observations and conclusions and adds more clarity on integration with local operations on the street level — some things I haven’t gotten into she talks about regarding supermarkets/grocery stores, etc — she has teamed up with others like William Binny a famous NSA whistle-blower who actually helped create an earlier version of the system (Thinthread) being used against the public (including elected officials thereby undermining our National Security and way of life as a Democratic-Republic) though I have reservations about some things he says; another person I just discovered who sounds legit so far is former Congressional staffer for the Intelligence Committee, Diane Roarkthe fact that the media doesn’t really touch the stories from these two ladies only lends them credibility in my book). End updates//]:

2018-04-26 at 6.05.29 PM.png
Kent’s YT channel on 2018-04-26 at 6:05 pm EST

Note how one of Kent’s antagonists above (“Laughing stock Adventure land” in mockery of Kent’s Dinosaur Adventure Land) is sporting an avatar with an FBI jacket — more intimidation and provocative tactics very reminiscent of similar cyber harassment/intimidation I’ve experienced personally for years and have reported in a previous blog post where I explained how every time I moved to a new apartment — which was quite frequent as a travel RN — I always had a suspicious WiFi access point name pop up around the first month or two which had not previously been there when I first moved in as if to show me I was being followed.

I first noticed this happening in 2015 while living in Baltimore and continued all the way up to 2017 in San Antonio at both apartments I’ve lived in here (and the two places in Louisville, KY before that). The names on the Wifi included agencies like CIA, NSA and FBI. I never found similar names when spot checking around other areas while going out doing things around town.

Here’s just one of five examples from a screenshot on my laptop from last year (2017):

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Coincidentally, within days after reporting on this suspicious activity in a previous blog post, for the first time it finally disappeared and has not reappeared nor any other federal gov’t agencies in the name.

I might mention here that I had also told someone I know about it in text messages and within days they said they noticed one in their neighborhood with ICE in the name – another federal agency (not sure if it’s still there).

I personally don’t know if these agencies are responsible for these APs or some proxy groups (or both) as we see on Kent’s channel are using them for intimidation and tension-building under a false flag (which should be illegal in itself) — they’re more likely military intel of foreign and/or domestic origin (or hosted domestically) but may include compartmentalized front groups run by ex-military with less gov’t oversight in cooperation with special units in local law enforcement or other (semi-rogue) groups. (See article below)

Which means I must be flagged as a ‘person of interest’ with trumped up reports in my dossier — which means there is likely a warrant on me (or not considering the lawlessness) to monitor or intercept all my communications and movements — which means they are reading this: so hello again — you need to repent now because Someone much bigger than you and your team and the whole seedy underworld empire you are enslaved to and are protecting has their own set of eyes on YOU right now – all your crimes are being recorded and kept in your own file (even from the NSA-level or whatever equivalent in your area this is true) and one day they will be stacked against you if you stubbornly refuse to turn away from it and beg forgiveness while you still can from He who brought the universe into existence and revealed the end from the beginning — that includes a final purging of the world from evil and its operators like YOU — “just following orders” will not cut it. None of your degenerate “friends” will help you even if they could and would rather throw you under the bus to save their skin in a heartbeat and you know it because you would do the same to them because as we know there is no honor among thieves. You’ve been hoodwinked, suckered by the suckers above you and are deceived by your own arrogance and don’t realize who you’re really messing with and it ain’t me you should be worried about if you had any real sense.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. (Pro 3.7)


The access point in the screenshot above called “GetOuttaHere” first popped up after I began using my phone to try to triangulate the location of the “NSAWiretap” signal with the list of available APs open while walking around after some 10-20 minutes and it has remained there since.

Snapped on 2018-03-06 a few doors down from me. A burst of creepy cackling could be heard from the apartment directly in front of the vehicle while I took a few snaps

After extensive testing in the surrounding area I concluded the “NSA” AP was coming from the apartment directly above me, which makes sense considering the timing when the couple moved in shortly before the suspicious AP appeared not to mention their odd behavior including weird coincidental “signals” I received from them at times (like knocks on my ceiling, etc) and their increasingly strange schedule of comings-and-goings to the point where the apartment was merely used as a station for weekly visits in separate cars at separate times.

I’ve also discovered an interesting out-of-state vehicle 3 or 4 doors down from me two months back proudly displaying “SPY” on the license plate. Pure coincidence I’m sure, just like all the other curious things and behaviors with other neighbors and other weirdness beyond the scope of this post.

Next is a screenshot taken on 2018-04-27 at 12:09 am on the video titled, Dr. Kent Hovind DAL Opening Day, where users openly admit to being on assignment as if from a cyber security unit (why else would they talk about ‘not missing your empty posts’ as if assigned to be here all the time and mention of an online ‘team’ who will be on duty??):

2018-04-27 0009 - Dr. Kent Hovind DAL Opening Day (SBS BRITISH ARMY TROLL SQUAD).png

Note the suspect here also using Kent Hovind’s profile and talking about the British military — just like the suspect I interacted with above who switched avatars from a military commando to the same profile of Hovind and who also has a playlist with video about secretive lethal British military activity on his channel. The same suspect or just the same group? After-all “Plenty of the team will be on line” as he says, presumably at someone’s tax-paying expense. Isn’t it all so lovely?

Such impostures and identity theft is prevalent among these actors and as I mentioned includes false-flagging under the guise of some regular users who support Hovind in order to attack and give false testimonies, including one of the most active users “Westydowns” as seen in all the above screenshots.

Here’s a screenshot from 2018-04-25 at 7:39 pm (CST) on the video titled, Dr. Kent Hovind 4-23-18 WOE Section 7 Part 3, with user “Cor Neg” talking about these dirty tricks used with another of Kent’s supporters “Kimberly Mangus” (who has received foul comments regarding her derriere by these stalkers which makes you wonder how they would know anything of it unless.. oh I don’t know, maybe they hacked her photos?):

2018-04-25 1939 - Dr. Kent Hovind 4-23-18 WOE Section 7 Part 3 (FALSE FLAGGING).png

This next screenshot is from 2018-04-24 at 1:20 pm (CST). It shows the original “Westydowns” explaining that someone is false-flagging under the guise of another Kent supporter named “Night Time” (the post cannot be seen however as it was apparently removed – not sure by who), followed by a fake “Westydowns” calling the real “Westydowns” above him fake. The fake “Kimbery Mangus” mentioned in the previous thread is also seen here at the bottom accusing Kent’s supporters of what these actors (or actor) are themselves doing. Confused yet?

2018-04-24 1320 - Dr. Kent Hovind 4-22-18 WOE Section 7 Part 3 (FALSE FLAGGING).png

Below shows the original “Westydown’s” channel on the left, highlighted (corresponding to the first “Westydowns” in the above screenshot, highlighted) while the one on the right is from the imposture:

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This brings up something else I’ve always maintained — the sudden prevalence of “Flat Earthers” online posing as Christians who are just that, bots and actors (or “cyborgs” which are automated bots spewing messages that can be manually over-ridden by a live operator if someone responds to them kinda like a phishing expedition) posing as Christians in order to misrepresent the bible and claim it teaches a flat earth to discredit it — unfortunately there are those who don’t study the text adequately (the original languages help) and fall for tortured translations/interpretations and out-of-context passages who are impressed by the sheer number of seeming proponents on the message boards and artificially boosted views and promoted by Youtube thereby falling victim to the artificial perception and psychological pressure, hence it’s a massive, coordinated psy-op targeting the public and is even breaking into MSM helping it go to the next level.

I’ve maintained that this black-ops campaign is an enormous counter intelligence program deployed to mix FE in with and taint the growing success of the young earth and teleological arguments which the latest empirical evidence and scientific discoveries are increasingly supporting predictably (ie, soft-tissue from dino bones, the vast majority of dating methods supporting young timescales, carbon 14 found in diamonds and coal, the Anthropic Principle, numerous geographical features defying millions of years, viable relativity theories of time dilation in line with red shift phenomena that dispenses with the wildly extravagant and hopelessly imaginary ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ ad hoc schemes invented to uphold the out-dated and untenable Cosmological Principle while explaining how starlight so far away could appear to earth in such a ‘relatively’ short time in one fell swoop, also how genetic anthropology points to a single male and female descendant for all of humanity using mitochondrial-DNA and Y-chromosomes, etc, etc, etc).

As recounted in this interview, the original flat earth myth about Christians warning Columbus that he would sail off the edge of the earth was a similar propaganda campaign designed to push people away from the bible and special creation in favor of Darwin’s “theory” (developed largely by his grandfather Erasmus Darwin recycling ancient pagan beliefs taught in the Masonic lodge of Edinburgh, see this lecture for details) which would be used by world Socialists to try to eliminate an authority higher than Man thereby making the State almighty and humans its property. That may be why channels that undermine the theory like Kent’s are targeted by State actors — in a twisted way it’s actually a matter of national (or rather global) security and a threat to the goal behind the Transhumanist/ Singularity agenda, presaged by the crowning achievement of the rabbis’ eagerly awaited (false) prophet ‘Elijah’ described in Revelation 13.15 which I touch upon half-way down another post, Sophia and Eliza: Coincidence by Design. [2020-02-24 link update, see also: Anti-Elijah the False Prophet of Revelation]

In any case, the black-ops seen on Hovind’s channel shows the desperation and low level dirty tricks from the enemies of God that we are being attacked with, unawares by most, and speaks to the wanton embrace of darkness and evil in which they traffic — doubtlessly recruits screened for their sociopathic-satanic tendencies weaponized against civilians and those standing for truth, honor and freedom. [2020-02-24, Link update (this special ‘screening’ I referred to may explain the mystery in this new report: Local attorney seeks justice for Marine confined more than two years without trial or charges (2020-02-17)]

[2018-06-09 screenshot update: Here’s another sock puppet account that recently popped up and has been stalking the channel making typical snipes following the same behavior patterns as the above actors – this one called “Brendan Reich” who signaled their true allegiance behind the “atheist” facade, seen at the bottom:

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End update /]

This is nothing new, it’s just harder to hide now with the explosion of information and inter-connectivity, and the measures to aggressively control it become all the more ham-fisted on the propaganda and cointel levels and draconian on the ‘law-enforcement’ and legislative levels as we find in China and other openly oppressive regimes in the world.

[2018-06-09 link update: Check news article posted 2018-06-08, “French opposition, media cry foul over ‘fake news’ bill” that shows the political dialectic behind the sudden rise of “fake news” around the globe by design in order to publicly justify clamping down on free speech that poses a threat to various global agendas while giving the insider intel services and their proxies (as seen above) free reign to control the narratives even more so. The article opens: “French lawmakers accused the government of attempting to legalise censorship during a stormy debate Friday over a bill designed to fight so-called fake news..” Full report. This is already taking place they just want to make it publicly accepted as it begins to leak out into the daylight more and more. This normalization of such fascism is beyond-words-dangerous to a free society. End update/]

Here are some key articles to be aware of — and always keep in mind that as bad as the picture is painted in the news, it can only be worse in reality since they cannot report on the state-secrets and classified levels of control with technology years and years ahead of anything we’re being told about. Such news reports are at best a soft-peddle to condition the public into acceptance as more and more of the digital straight-jacket is revealed piecemeal (you might actually get a more realistic view of things with reports on other countries like Arabia and China or even from sci-fi movies and publications used to condition the public sometimes generations before it is introduced in real life):

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[2018-06-09 Link update: The latest report from DC on 2018-06-07 now says there are over 300 groups ‘policing’ YouTube (Google) content, including the Southern Poverty Law Center who is also working closely with Amazon, FB and Twitter to watch what we say. See full report and below screenshot. End update/]

[2018-06-16 update: Well, well. Kent just reported in a video yesterday, 2018-06-15 @ 1:11, that the SPLC now has him marked as a terrorist! Absolute comedy. He also said he was getting death threats (not sure how that’s related). Funny how this happens just days after I talked about these subjects (death threats on Kent and SPLC – see below) and point out a new report on SPLC ‘policing’ Youtube – and next thing you know Kent’s reporting death threats and SPLC targeting him (and no I didn’t speak to Kent about this or anyone else). I guess that makes sense considering what else has been going on (more info below). End update/]


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Full story:

I wonder if someone from one of those 100+ 300+ anonymous organizations consider the bible or bible-related channels as “intolerant,” “extremist,” “propaganda,” “inflammatory” or otherwise politically incorrect and offensive to any of the garden-variety activist groups?

[2018-06-09 Update: The answer is yes as we now see from past behavior from the radical political group SPLC working with Youtube as reported in DC:

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Full report. End update/]

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Full report:

Rest assured no abuses nor benefits to groups with favored status nor censoring views that may oppose their political agendas will ever happen! Right.

The next article is behind a paywall but the headline and opening lines offer a peek at the nature of the technological abilities (“mass awareness” echoing the Pentagon’s “Total Information Awareness” revealed after the 9/11 attacks and was supposedly halted after the public freaked out about it but have now essentially dribbled it back out in bite-sized morsels to the public with Snowden ‘revelations’ since then – slowly boiling the frog) and military training (necessary to engage in lawless black-world operations and crimes under the cloak of ‘security’). This helps put in context the kinds of groups engaging in similar black-ops cyber warfare documented above on Kent Hovind’s channel but in a different — but ultimately related — application.

Note the UN link in the article as well (also mentioned by our friend on Hovind’s channel) showing the international scope and cooperation level of these activities and groups. It’s one big happy global family all working together to deceive, divide and destroy the public who fund it all.

Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 9.22.48 PM.pngFrom:

All the above is just a tiny sampling of the rampant sociopathic lawlessness now openly being practiced under the guise of ‘security’ and ‘protection’ in apparent cyber warfare assaults on the public mind well beyond the likes of the ‘Russian troll farms’ whitewash narrative endlessly peddled by the media which I’ve discussed in previous posts.

[2018-06-09 Link update: An article from The Week (2018-04-10) reports that Homeland Security is mass surveilling, well, just about everything: “The Department of Homeland Security intends to list and track hundreds of thousands of news outlets, journalists, bloggers, and “influencers” in traditional and new media alike. Its plan is to analyze targets’ “sentiment,” monitor “any and all” coverage of select news stories, and possibly share data with “federal, state, local, tribal, and private partners.”

This new hi-tech fascism couldn’t be done without AI systems scouring the #WWWiretap but the article doesn’t raise that point.

The rep speaking for DHS admits it has been going on all along and therefore if you don’t like it they’ll just label you a cRaZy tin-hatter — welcome to Soviet-style population mind control with punitive psychology (first you were a crazy if you were blowing the whistle on it before they were ready to roll it out publicly, now you’re a crazy if you’re concerned about it being mainstreamed because after all, it’s been SOP all those years we made fun of the whistle-blowers and victims of its abuse):

“If you find yourself skeptical of this proposal of mass state monitoring of the press, consider yourself a bonafide member of the “tinfoil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorists,” DHS representative Tyler Houlton said Friday. It’s all very routine, he argued, casting the project as an innocent means of “monitoring current events.” Just shut up and let us do this, crackpots.Full report. End update/]

Ask yourself why is so much energy and resource being spent on YEC channels like Kent Hovind’s 24/7 to relentlessly attack it with such blatant deception and dirty counter-intelligence tactics? (Don’t get me wrong, I have my disagreements with some of Kent’s biblical interpretations, particularly with the nature of the mark of the beast and 666 which is why I originally called him on the phone to talk about; I give an biblical exposition of this subject here)

[**UPDATE 2018-12-08: There have been a good number of red flags and an all too familiar pattern I have tried to give Kent the benefit of the doubt on and excuse for a long time but it has became too blatant and sinister for me to ignore any longer. I decided to warn others in my latest blog post concerning an important aspect of how Hovind may very well be yet another (willing?) tool being used to misguide his followers after gaining their trust – whether he was a sleeper all along (the fact that he enjoyed a fair amount of media access in association with other obvious wolves in sheep’s clothing is one of those indicators) or he got ‘processed’ while in prison for those 10 years or something else I leave for others to decide. That’s hard for me to say but there are simply too many indicators that I tried to ignore which I no longer can. I may one day decide to do a full blown post just on all the various points I have noticed that individually can be shrugged off maybe but in toto paint a sad picture. Remember Jeremiah 17.5: “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man”

End update//]

One common practice I’ve noticed around the ‘web’ is controlling the prime real estate at the top of the posts with propaganda suited for whatever topic like pro-Flat Earth posts pumped to the top with unrealistically large numbers of ‘likes’ as I just saw while revisiting a video Kent made on 5-4-18 reluctantly discussing FE which was nothing like that in the first week. These are common tactics I’ve covered in past posts and videos. I’ve even hijacked some top threads myself with powerful info and began receiving several likes only to then find the thread suddenly drop pages down from the top spot on multiple occasions. Why is there so much effort to attack things like YEC if it’s as irrelevant and backwards as these same arrogant black-op snakes keep telling us? Their very presence with all the obsessive postings and harassing behavior is proof that it’s not irrelevant or backwards – or they simply wouldn’t need to be there monitoring 24/7 with military cyber security teams for crying out loud!!

Why are they so threatened by a small ministry in the middle of Nowhereville, Alabama teaching what the bible says is true, that God made man and the cosmos and wants us all to love and help each other? Why do they feel the need to pop-up with creepy pictures of men in commando gear with ski masks and assault rifles and FBI logos on Hovind’s videos, endlessly insulting and mocking Kent and others there even threatening those who don’t play along with the enforced idea that humans are soulless beasts who arose for no reason and with no inherent worth or dignity? Is your finger hovering over the trigger suppose to convince me you’re right?

[2018-06-13 link update: Kent addresses murder threats and plans openly discussed to assassinate him online on a video post from 2018-06-11 starting at 13:23]

[2018-06-16 update: Kent just reported another death threat and, as noted above, this happened just days after I noted in a previous update the example of the radical political group SPLC among others ‘policing’ Youtube in the context of discussing Kent’s channel apparently being targeted and harassed by a similar organization believed to be working with Youtube, and lo and behold yesterday Kent reported a death threat and that the SPLC has marked him as a ‘terrorist.’ See his video posted yesterday 2018-06-15 at 1:11. As also noted previously on this blog post, the same thing happened the first time I spoke to Kent on the phone and told him I believed he was being monitored — and just a couple days after that he reported that the FBI has been secretly ‘investigating’ him! All just coincidence! End update/]

If this level of concern is given for a relatively small-time, shoe-string budget ministry like Kent Hovind’s, how can we not think for one minute that much greater concern and measures are being exercised over the powerful media platforms (online and broadcast) that reach much greater magnitudes of people, including the very media that is constantly peddling whitewashed narratives that conceals the true nature and vast scale of this cyber warfare being waged against the public as shown above and, as I’ve been showing on this blog since last year, on the individual level?

I’ve documented multiple accounts of firsthand experience with dark actors similar in spirit to the ones above but at least those were of a more clandestine nature and narrowly targeted at me individually and therefore easier for outsiders to marginalize as anomalous, exaggeration or just plain paranoia. Now we have an example of the oppression being flaunted openly and discussed freely and it cannot be chalked up to speculation or imagination. Trying to wave it all off as overzealous punks makes no sense and it corroborates too closely not only my own experiences but also information being trickled out even in the news, albeit with some degree of spin and with the intent to send a chill to wound-be dissenters as the article below mentions and other articles I’ve referenced elsewhere on this blog indicates is happening according to studies. But the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord — not man.

Somehow I doubt that will stop many from trying to shrug this all off anyways — like proper cowards — and so we will continue to go down the path to a cold dark digital dictatorship or as the title of one of my earliest posts on this blog has it: The Orwellian Panopticon

Regardless of whether you love or hate YEC proponents in general or Kent Hovind in particular, this level of open aggression, harassment and hostility should alarm anyone and everyone with any sense of basic human rights and rule of law.

Please check some previous blog posts to get an idea of what it’s like to have these types of cyber thug brown shirts, including in the ‘alt-media’ supposedly fighting it, target even a small fry like me which illustrates the absurd level of micromanagement we’re actually dealing with and also shows the power of the individual which they are VERY concerned about. YOU have that power when you are in step with the Most High Power of all which these thugs are sent in an attempt to bully us away from with their battery of lies and ridicule and if that doesn’t work, with threats and intimidation.

“The fear of man brings a snare, But he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.” (Pro 29.25)

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation “(1Pe 4.12-13)

“and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Rom 5.2-5)


Here’s part of a NYT article from 2016 I came across earlier today that gives only a whitewashed peek at how the global regimes work now and puts in context the personal experiences I’ve been posting about on this blog as well as the chatter seen on Hovind’s channel:

The barriers to join the global surveillance apparatus have never been lower. Dozens of companies, ranging from NSO Group and Cellebrite in Israel to Finfisher in Germany and Hacking Team in Italy, sell digital spy tools to governments.

A number of companies in the United States are training foreign law enforcement and intelligence officials to code their own surveillance tools. In many cases these tools are able to circumvent security measures like encryption. Some countries are using them to watch dissidents. Others are using them to aggressively silence and punish their critics, inside and outside their border.

“There’s no substantial regulation,” said Bill Marczak, a senior fellow at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, who has been tracking the spread of spyware around the globe. “Any government who wants spyware can buy it outright or hire someone to develop it for you. And when we see the poorest countries deploying spyware, it’s clear money is no longer a barrier.”

Mr. Marczak examined Mr. Mansoor’s emails and found that, before his arrest, he had been targeted by spyware sold by Finfisher and Hacking Team, which sell surveillance tools to governments for comparably cheap six- and seven-figure sums. Both companies sell tools that turn computers and phones into listening devices that can monitor a target’s messages, calls and whereabouts.

Full story: Governments Turn to Commercial Spyware to Intimidate Dissidents

As the Chinese President opined just last month, internet control is the key to ‘stability.’ Which really translates in the real world to: allow or sponsor widespread disinformation campaigns (now made into the catch phrase ‘fake news’) and data-mining abuses to occur (for example Russia’s IRA or UK’s Cambridge Analytica) then expose them to the public and use them as an excuse to clamp down on your free speech in political or even religious discourse online in a simple dialectical process while continuing to give the chaotic cointelpro elements free reign to dominate online discourse and divide the public even further. Rinse and repeat.

If this doesn’t bother you then you’re part of the problem and will soon eat the poisonous fruits of your indifference. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (Mat 24.12)


Update 2018-06-02, 2:58 PM: Yesterday on a video about media lies, internet shills and astroturfing, I mentioned Kent Hovind’s channel and this blog post about it and, well, the screenshot of what ensued explains the rest:

2018-06-01 1813 - Former CBS Reporter Exposes Media Lies, Internet Shills & Astroturfing.png

Just minutes ago, today (2018-06-02) someone responded and I replied back:

2018-06-02 at 2.36.35 PM.png


[Update 2018-07-08: Here’s just a tiny list of articles about how botnets and trolls are dominating online chatter and message-boards and only increasing in numbers and sophistication each day thus allowing centralized powers to gain increasingly greater control over public discourse and perception management to create a false census on different issues – for instance making it appear that a tremendous number of people believe in a flat earth. This is a powerful influence on unsuspecting or naive individuals and acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy to some extent — combined with AI analysis and microtargeting based on tracking personal details across platforms and devices and you’re looking at a tailor-made false reality projected onto the public in coordination with older systems of control (media, entertainment, etc).

Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at 11.10.54 PM.png

End 2018-07-08 update/]


[Update 2018-09-23 @21:45 CST: Here’s a fresh example of blatant ongoing privacy hacking and electronic stalking in a sad attempt to intimidate in a thread on a Jimmy Dore video where I expose the diabolical duplicity used to manipulate the public into division along racial lines. A spook quickly pops up to re-enforce racial hate but then switches to intimidation when I followed up with examples, political actors involved and the intended results (ie, ADL lobbying Congress to fund monitoring of the WWWiretap to ‘fight antisemitism,’ and is used to scare and radicalize Jews and turn them to Israel for refuge). Full thread at the time of this update:

2018-09-23 2138 Reuters Plays Dumb About Iran Israel Nukes - YouTube(2)a.jpg

Here’s the private txt from today (2018-09-23 CST) mentioned and linked to in the thread:

Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at 8.30.32 PM TXT.png

After being exposed as the morally bankrupt cointelpro criminal working with backdoor access to Youtube and telecom (ie, state or private intelligence agency), this “Gerard” then tried to smokescreen what just happened by spewing a stream of titles of songs and media to try to make the incident appear to be random (“Gerard’s” first response after mine is really long so I kept it collapsed in the screenshot):

2018-09-23 2138 Reuters Plays Dumb About Iran Israel Nukes - YouTube(2)b.jpgThis whole thing starting with the first song citation would make no sense in this thread to a common bystander browsing but when you see it from the point of view of the person being targeted (me) it becomes apparent for the scandalous crime that it is. National security is completely gone if this is routinely taking place – and it is. Imagine what kind of surveillance and intimidation tactics are being used on people of influence in government and media personalities. If you see how micromanaged things are on social media then you can begin to realize why almost everything seems to be a lie and a deception today when it’s said by the media or anyone of influence (including on social media not just MSM).

There are countless things like this that happen I just don’t have the time or inclination to document even close to half of them on this blog (though there is plenty in this post and several others) but I felt this incident was particularly important as it hits on the heart of the issue we are facing as a planet and how these satanic degenerates are given free reign to molest human rights and dignity in their lawless cyber and psychological warfare on the public, stepped up on those effectively exposing their high-level deception and game plan, all toward the final deadly goal of setting up their “Greater Israel” antichrist kingdom to rule over the earth from Jerusalem.

I’ll add more eye-opening but little known public info to show what’s going on and who most likely swooped in to try to neutralize the deprogramming I was doing.

End 2018-09-23 update/]

[2020-09-05 @02:14 Update – Here’s the latest example of the ongoing cyberstalking which I rarely post examples of, but this one is far less bizarre than normal and fairly simple to see without much explanation. I originally posted the two screenshots — one from the phone, one from the computer — to my imgur account just a little while ago (and please excuse the header glitch from the screenshot feature on firefox used to capture the imgur website post). Note the loathsome “AgentofyaMama” pop up within minutes of posting – rampant violation of human rights? “That’s okay!” according to another one of the lowlife stalkers who are embedded everywhere in the new battlefield of the #WWWiretap.

Also do please watch the RFK Jr video seen below where he gets into powerful information about the 5G/Ai/surveillance/tracking dictatorship (which this blog post has been documenting for years from the receiving end of it) that is being brought out piecemeal more and more, faster and faster, into the open now with the perfect excuse of the Corona virus scare. I have been saying this was going to happen for years while actually documenting its ongoing weaponized use to stalk and harass targets like myself on this very blog post and others like this one from 2017. And as bad as the things I have discussed here are, it’s actually much, much worse — it just sounds too sensational to talk about and would take too long to try to explain and prove — and this is just what I’ve personally been exposed to or know about which probably isn’t even the half of it. Here is a small glimpse of how routine things are now:

2020-09-05 0154 - Troll-Bot stalking on youtube copy.png

Keep in mind all the other users who come across these posts not understanding what they’re seeing or why it’s there. End 2020-09-05 update/]

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The Continuing Rise of Black-op Puppets, Trolls, and Bots (Counting Coincidences Part 1 Addendum 2)

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VIDEO: Breitbart User Caught Playing Both Sides of Conflict!

VIDEO: Rigged Comments for Bart Ehrman on Mike Licona’s Channel!