Bestowing the Mark of the Name in the Aaronic Benediction + Counting Coincidences Part 3 (UPDATE 2020-06-06 New Reichstag event in DC planned?)

[2020-06-06 Update: New Reichstag Event in DC planned? highlighted in red]

[2020-03-12 Update: Corona Virus-Vulcan Salute PsyOp highlighted in orange; typos fixed 2020-03-28]

Please read this together with a previous entry: 666 – The Revelation from Moses and Ezra. The following is adapted and expanded from my post on in a thread I started at

In Semitic thought “mark” and “name” are generally synonymous.

Jastrow’s dictionary lists the definition for שֵׁם (shem) as “mark” before “name”:

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-07-15_at_4.03.01_PM.png]

That the “mark of the beast” refers to his name (imitating the true Name of God sealed in the 144,000 faithful remnant) is explicit in Rev 14.11:

“..And they will not have relief, day or night, those who were worshiping the creature (beast) and his image and who took the mark of his name”

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Tefillin (or phylacteries) are marked with the Hebrew letter ‘shin’ (ש) for the name “Shaddai” and set on the forehead and hand/arm as a sign of dedicating thoughts and works as obliged in the old covenant literalizing verses Exo 13.9, 16 and Deu 6.8, 11.8 which are also written on tiny scrolls and encased in the tefillin. These tefillin cases were later elaborated for appearances (cf Mat 23.5). Note the tefillin is currently worn on the left hand/arm – this may one day change according to Rev 13.16 as the expected ‘Elijah’ will have rabbinic authority to change laws/observances and settle legal disputes at the behest of the (false) Messiah recalling Dan 7.25, Rev 13.7. In any case, the apostasy/rebellion is spiritual in nature regardless of outward symbols and physical marks used for signs.

Following the (renewed) Sinai covenant, in accordance with Torah instructions, the Name/Mark would be set upon the congregation during the Aaronic Benediction where, traditionally, the hands form two shins (ש) for the name Shaddai — also marked on the leather tefillin set on the forehead and hand/arm — which is the Holy Spirit (the ‘Shekhinah’ glory in rabbinic literature) given to the congregation as the bride of YHWH. The two hand-shins touching at the index fingers and thumbs form a triangle which is held up during the priestly blessing over the people who are then sealed with the Name of God and receive the Holy Spirit and become one (echad) spirit as the husband and wife become one flesh in a marriage covenant.

“And they shall put my name upon the children [sons] of Israel; and I will bless them.” (Num 6.27)

Or as the Aramaic Targumists say:

“And they shall bestow the benediction of My Name upon the sons of Israel, and I will bless them” (Onkelos)

“And they shall bestow the benediction of My Name upon the sons of Israel, and I, by My Word, will bless them.” (Pseudo-Jonathan)”

Receiving the Name of God and Holy Spirit came with great responsibility and required walking uprightly as a representative of God’s people as a nation of priests headed by the High Priest who alone bore the Name openly upon his forehead thus bearing the sins of the nation (Cf. Exo 28.36-38 vs Rev 17.5). This is the idea behind the ‘Name Command’ of the 10 Commandments: Thou shalt not take (נשא bear, carry, lift) the name of the LORD (יהוה) thy God in vain (Exo 20.7)

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-07-15_at_5.05.26_PM.png]
Note the Shekhinah Glory radiating from the cap stone; Yeshua is the stone (אֶבֶן) the builders rejected and is the head of the corner. Psalm 118.22-23 “The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. This is the LORD’S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.” (Cf Mat 21.42). The verse preceding these famous words names Yeshua (Jesus): “I shall give thanks to You, for You have answered me, and You have become my salvation [yeshua].” (v21). This chapter (Ps 118) is placed between the shortest and longest chapters (Ps 117 and 119) in the entire bible (OT and NT) like a central pillar or head stone. The Hebrew word for “stone” (אבן) merges the words “father” (אב) and “son” (בן) into one. “This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.” (1John 2.22-23)
[Image: glory.png]

God’s Glory (the shining light of the Holy Spirit or “Shekhinah”) dwelled between the wings of the two golden Kerubim images of the ark:

O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock; You who are enthroned [between/above] the cherubim – shine forth! (Psalm 80.1)

It was under the wings of these Kerubim where God’s eye was set watching over His people:

Keep me as the apple [אִישׁוֹן pupil, apple, middle] of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 17.8)

The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat. (Exodus 25.20)

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Depiction of the ark of the covenant based on the late Ron Wyatt’s description who claimed to have discovered it hidden in a grotto underneath the crucifixion site of Jesus Christ and that Israeli authorities are aware. Wyatt had a SDA background and taught Christians are to keep the Sabbath (counter to instructions in Acts 15) and that the so-called ‘Sunday law’ is the mark of the beast. Wyatt was also accused of being an Israeli spy by Saudi officials. Posthumously, Wyatt was declared to be related to the tribe of Judah according to a DNA test allowed by family members.

The lifting of the hands in the priestly blessing signifies this seat of God’s glory as it is bestowed upon the congregation and they become one as the two Kerubim are of one piece of gold. (See Luke 24.50, Acts 8.18 and other verses for examples of using the hands to bless and confer the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.) This is when the Name of God is marked or branded upon the congregation having entered into covenant marriage with God (Numbers 6.23-27) as the wife takes the family name of the husband in marriage and they become one flesh.

The first instance of the Levitical high priest Aaron performing the blessing is at the beginning of the Sinai covenant and it is accompanied by fire from heaven as a sign of God’s approval, a theme that recurs when Elijah sought to turn apostate Israel back to a covenant relationship with God as he is expected to do again when he returns before the Messiah comes to reign in accordance with Malachi 4.5-6 (cf Mat 17.10-11; John the Baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah – just as Elisha was bestowed with the spirit and power of Elijah – was also of priestly descent (Luke 1.5), to bear witness (John 1.6-10); Elijah is to also return again (Mat 17.11) fulfilling Malachi 4.5 as one of the two witnesses in Rev 11 as glimpsed in Mat 16.27-17.5 serving already as a witness to the “pillar apostles” on the Mount of Transfiguration (cf 2Pet 1.16-17; Gal 2.9).

Heavenly fire was also accompanied by the giving of the Holy Spirit on the Shavuot (Pentecost) following Christ’s ascension in Acts 2.2-4.

Likewise, the false prophet also appears to call down fire from heaven to show approval from God and sealing the congregation at the renewal of the (perhaps modified) Sinai Covenant in defiance of the New Covenant as announced in Jeremiah 31.31 and instituted in Luke 22.20. This rejection of God was prophesied in Psalm 118.22 (cf Matthew 21.42-45).

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Leviticus 9:
22 Then Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people and blessed them, and he stepped down after making the sin offering and the burnt offering and the peace offerings.
23 Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting. When they came out and blessed the people, the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people.
24 Then fire came out from before the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the portions of fat on the altar; and when all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.

Revelation 13:
13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men.

1Kings 18:
36 At the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet came near and said, “O LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant and I have done all these things at Your word.
37 “Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back again.”
38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.

Elijah as a priest, from Jewish Encyclopedia:

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-07-17_at_6.14.23_PM.png]

Elijah in the role of Aaron (high priest) in the world to come per Zohar interpretation:

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-07-17_at_6.15.14_PM.png]

This along with conducting a census of the (regathered) tribes of Israel as did Aaron with Moses (Num 1.2; Exo 30.12-16) further supports that the false prophet/second beast imitates Elijah and functions as the High Priest (John the Baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah was also of priestly lineage, Luke 1.5) — and like Aaron with the golden calf he will lead the congregation in rebellion (cf 2Thes 2.3, Greek ἀποστασία “apostasy”; Aramaic: מרודותא “marudutha”) to make an idol, the abomination that brings destruction (cf Rev 13.14-15, Mat 24.15 vs Exo 32.4-10).

Only those who are numbered and marked upon entering into the renewed old covenant will be halachically allowed to ‘buy or sell’ the sacrifices and offerings with temple shekels among the merchants and money changers who Yeshua Jesus removed from the temple. Subdural microchips and cashless money are red herrings from the numerous Torah references made in Revelation 13 describing events, however it cannot be ruled out that such forms of payment may be converted into the prescribed temple shekels (for a fee) in order to participate in the renewed sacrificial system. This payment system was abused in the time of Christ turning the sanctuary into a lucrative money-making scheme run by the priestly families and connected political-religious elite, ie, a den of thieves (Mat 21.13) not unlike the selling of indulgences.

According to Orthodox Jewish (Hasidic) teaching, when Elijah returns he will be in charge of sorting out who belongs to which of the 12 tribes and will establish tribal ancestry (presumably with no little assistance from those genetic ancestry services curiously promoted aggressively for years on TV shows with celebrities and companies like IBM collaborating with National Geographic on the Genographic Project – an interesting development in light of IBM’s history collaborating with Nazi Germany to develop the numbering system used in the concentration camps as Edwin Black documented in “IBM and the Holocaust”). This agrees with the indication of the false prophet (imitating Elijah) conducting a census in Rev 13.17-18 in accordance with Exodus 30.12-16, Numbers 1.2-4, etc [for a detailed study see my blog post, 666 – The Revelation from Moses and Ezra].

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-07-17_at_6.41.03_PM.png]

[Note: A movement is well underway to map out and database who are believed to be the scattered 12 tribes around the world publicly led by Rabbi Harry Rozenberg who may in fact be a front for or working in concert with Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs who have recently been floating (while denying) the idea of mass conversions of such groups with what they believe to be links to Jewish heritage. In one interview on youtube Rozenberg mentioned conducting a “census” of these ‘lost’ tribes. In other videos (like this one), perhaps in anticipation of the inevitable suspicion of his efforts, he portrays himself in opposition to the ‘Illuminati-Freemasonic’ new world order globalist agenda, etc, etc, etc – meanwhile he’s at the forefront pushing the antichrist plans described in Revelation 13 where the coming false prophet imitating Elijah with fake miracles is in charge of head-counting the regathered ‘Israelites’ in the land (and we know from scripture that genetic/blood/race identity is the major red herring away from the institution of the new covenant, cf Mat 3.9; John 3.3-6; Rom 2.28-9, 4.13-4, 9.6-8; 1Cor 15.50; Gal 3.16-9, 6.15-6; Hosea 1.9-10; etc) and bestowing the mark of the false messiah as God in a covenant through a perverted priestly blessing ceremony and leading a rebellion to create an image to be worshiped as Aaron (אַהֲרֹ֤ן “light bringer”) also did.

See article link below on the controversial new ‘Jewish Nation-State law’ implementing the early stages of the full restoration of the Mosaic law with new sabbath and festival laws and a mandate for the ingathering of ‘exiles’ pursuant to the above mentioned plan. See also Ministry- Israel should woo 60 million people who have Jewish links to aid state (2018-03-28)]

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Screenshot from

The father of American Reform Judaism, Rabbi Isaac Wise, confirmed what some may have already concluded: Freemasonry is a “Jewish institution” (I would specify it more as a so-called ‘Zionist’ front for recruiting hoodwinked and compartmentalized Gentiles for the cause of the ‘great work’ of establishing Solomon’s temple and the Jewish antichrist kingdom to rule all nations). Freemasonry founded America which has been and continues to be the leader in empowering the modern state of Israel until the transfer of full power is complete followed by its (America’s aka Edom per rabbinic teaching) removal as the world superpower well underway now.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-07-15_at_5.38.56_PM.png]
Oppenheim, S. (1910). THE JEWS AND MASONRY IN THE UNITED STATES BEFORE 1810. Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, (19), 1-94. Retrieved from


The following is adapted from a post I made on a video at Bob Walker’s youtube channel

[[**UPDATE 2018-12-08, 07:05 CST: Just 11 hours after this original blog post was published on 2018-11-30 around 5 AM CST, Bob Walker posted a youtube video about God laughing in Psalm 2 just as I discussed in this blog post below with the same verse from Psalm 2. Yet another coincidence – of course. I asked Bob about it and show what he said where the verse is discussed below. End update//]]

..The covenant with the antichrist would be the Sinai covenant for Jews and converts, but possibly Noahide for Gentiles. The part about number of man/name are references to numbering the tribes by family names as was done by Moses with Aaron (Numbers 1.2) and later by Ezra (2.2). Numbers 6.27 and Lev 9.22 is where the high priest bestows the Name/mark of God upon the congregation in the priestly blessing with his hands held up together 🙌 and forming two letter shins made famous by Spock 🖖 (together they form a triangle, with the Shekinah glory as they call it, symbolising the ark of the covenant where the glory sat over the cherubim wings touching which has been described as also forming a triangle and where the apple or pupil of God’s eye was in Ps 17.8 (as depicted on the dollar bill which also has the six pointed star surrounded by glory). That masonry is a zionist front for Gentiles was confirmed by the father of American Reform Judaism, Isaac Wise, who said masonry is a Jewish institution. He was also a mason.

[Shortly after posting this I stumbled upon the “Noahide World Center” youtube channel thru a video featuring Rabbi Chaim of Temple Institute at the forefront of ushering in a new Jewish temple in Jerusalem who is warming people up to a universal sabbath in the video.

In addition, on 2018-09-12 I posted the same warning under a thread started by user “Kno Name777” on a video at Kent Hovind’s youtube channel with the above Spock reference and within 3 days Kent started referencing Spock with the Hebrew shin hand sign first on his video from 2018-09-15 @ 19:37 and again on his Q&A video from 2018-09-20 @ 8:00 in what appears to be a staged ‘question’ which really wasn’t a question at all but rather a statement about the shin hand sign – bear in mind these questions are supposedly old emails backed up from many months ago, so what a neat coincidence. Since then Kent has used the Spock reference as a feature in nearly every video as if pre-conditioning his own audience to it following a pattern I’ve noticed many other church leaders are doing with their flocks (as they do in masonic lodges reciting the Aaronic Benediction), which is sad because I defended him in the previous blog post some months ago in May related to the black-ops openly conducted on his channel (which has since died down to just constant trolling from a handful of usual suspects after I documented it in the previous blog post). (Related VIDEO: Kent Hovind and the Deep State Underworld). I have given the benefit of the doubt over several red flags from Hovind before but this one I cannot ignore.

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[[2019-01-08 mini-update: And now as if deliberately conditioning his group by degrees, Kent has taken the Vulcan salute a step closer to its origin by using both hands to make the priestly sign of bestowing the mark of the Name during the ‘Birkat Kohanim’ which will be performed by the false prophet (the anti-Elijah) when the ‘mark of the beast’ (rather than the mark of God) is bestowed upon the regathered tribes in the renewal of the Sinai covenant as indicated in Rev 13.16 and expected by the rabbis in their interpretation of Malachi 4.5f, 3.1, etc. Kent even trained his group to make the sign as you can see from the video below when he asks, “everybody got one of them? okay” while doing it (see close-caption in screenshot) showing this was rehearsed like a Jim Jones drill only this is easing people into something much worse in that those who accept the mark upon entering into covenant relationship/marriage with the Antichrist do so as an act of rebellion to God rejecting the new covenant of Jesus Christ and are committing spiritual harlotry.

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Coincidentally (or not), about one day before this (on 2019-01-06 per the title) I revisited this subject in a thread started by user ‘Peter Zarcone’ on a video from TYT’s channel. Here’s a screenshot (and like Kent’s channel, the word “God” is filtered out on TYT’s channel so I used “G-d” instead):

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Screengrab at 10:18 PM CST on 2019-01-08

End of 2019-01-08 mini-update//]]

[2020-03-12 Update: And now the psy-op conditioning has gone mainstream nationwide on the coattails of the corona virus via the attending physician for Congress as of 2020-03-10* per CNN reporting (see below for screenshot).

Last Saturday night, Sunday morning (March 8th to 9th) during a 12-hour night-shift at work (Neuro ICU), I was discussing with a coworker, Henry, how the COVID-19 scare looks to be overplayed by the media and alt-media alike (both agreeing on the essentials, namely, that this is a major biological threat, man-made or not) and set up as the new scapegoat to fulfill the wishlists of various corrupt regimes around the world.

For example, now governments have the opportunity to more openly convert into an iron-fisted dictatorship – to protect you of course.

The global scare also provides cover for the long-coming market ‘correction’ particularly for the US and China whose economies and markets are closely tied together (a hidden part of the new trade ‘deal’ Trump made with China?) both using the virus as an excuse to control the population, even further, through omnipresent, human rights-shredding surveillance tech (including brainwave surveillance down to exact words and feelings decoded by supercomputers with A.I. perfected by the military long ago which I touched on briefly here), and, in the latter’s case for now, purge portions of society considered a nuisance to the regime (perhaps including but not limited to those inspired by the Hong Kong protests which is already long forgotten in the hysteria). The medical data may indeed be manipulated – not to downplay the scare — they want you scared, but rather to conceal its diminutive threat in this scenario, which would also explain why the US has been slow to test many who should have been, to nip it in the bud.

The US has already set the back story for a major outbreak to occur, for instance right here in San Antonio, Texas, at Lackland Air Force base where one reportedly confirmed case was seeded, and reportedly broke quarantine while on the base under supervision, and then prematurely released by ‘mistake’ triggering a lawsuit by the city mayor against the CDC, and so on.

Additionally, specific threats, for instance in Iran, can be eliminated and blamed on the virus backed by a compliant media which is essentially run by international spy rings already working in unison (via international Freemasonry running military and intel), msm and alt alike, including social media chatter and botnets dominating message boards, choosing the winners/losers with likes/dislikes, algorithms, etc, to manage public perception.

I also brought up how various companies, government bodies, education systems and religious institutions are increasingly having everyone work and congregate from home via the #WWWiretap – forcing civilization further into the cyber control grid, the architecture of the A.I. global mind created by the Pentagon, playing further into the hands of big brother’s global governance and big tech (US DoD fronts) to merge humanity with technology via IT, cybersecurity, biotechnology, nanotechnology, etc openly pushed by front men like Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil as well as the US military as documented elsewhere on this blog (see Counting Coincidences in the Orwellian Panopticon for further reading and reports). This agenda meanwhile is being hyped by transhumanists as the next stage in their evolution mythology, formulated in the Masonic Lodge largely by Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, based on ancient pagan cosmology (see Exposing the Pagan Roots of Evolution Part 1), but never mind all that.

This sudden rush to force our everyday activities even further into the digital control matrix comes just in time with the roll out of 5G to muster larger bandwidths and speeds while serving up the Big Tech universe (US DoD fronts) of Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, etc., in this stampede into cyber captivity.

And now with the reported threat of cash as a vector for the virus, digital currency is receiving a renewed interest and is provided the needed impetus for the Federal government’s own cryptocurrency, Fedcoin, to rise. For years Fedcoin has been quietly waiting in the wings for just the right crisis to replace paper exchange, streamlining monetary manipulation and make tracking your purchases that much more easy, with the added benefit of providing easier payment to robots (also being praised in the media as helping to contain the virus, as if they couldn’t also become vectors) which are slated to take over much of the workforce and be elevated to citizen status with full rights, including marriage rights, as has already begun in Saudi Arabia of all places with the Hanson robot, “Sophia,” discussed on a previous blog post: Sophia and Eliza: Coincidence by Design.

After I mentioned the point about how this agenda now has an excuse to push humanity further along into the global mind merge through computers and the internet (kinda like the PNAC agenda receiving their desperately needed ‘catalyzing event’), Henry said it reminded him of the Vulcan mind-meld from Star Trek. Of course it did, this concept was introduced into the public mind so that we would be ready for it one day when it was officially rolled out by the government, I said. This human conscious Vulcan mind-melding is even reference specifically by the government in an official report about this converging or ‘singularity’ as some call it (see the text-to-speech eye-opening report giving away the government sponsored agenda in 2002 calling for sweeping revolutionary changes here: US Report Foretells of Brave New World) just as the government used the Star Trek show to gain interest in space exploration and NASA, even naming the Enterprise space shuttle after the Star Trek Enterprise. I also pointed out the similarities between the new US Space Force patch and the Star Fleet Command patch from Star Trek with the stylized ‘arrowhead’ pointing upward.

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I briefly mentioned how the Vulcan salute was admittedly taken from the Levitical priestly blessing said over the congregation, originally when the Israelites entered the Sinai covenant to became One with God in marriage receiving the name or mark of God, just as Spock used the hand sign to merge his mind with others becoming one mind; the first Star Trek movie even shows a man merging with technology in the form of a woman (ie, Sophia, Wisdom) creating a new life/cosmos as the climax to the movie. (The Holy Spirit that resided in the holy of holies was called Wisdom in Proverbs 8 and 9, “Sophia” in Greek, or the Shekhinah glory in rabbinic literature). These are deep Judeo-masonic ideas presented in the form of a secular sci-fi movie, planting seeds for generations in this and many other films with deep Judeo-masonic influences steeped in the industry and just about all forms of media.

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Left to right: Sophia the Hanson robot and citizen of Saudi Arabia, modeled after Audrey Hepburn; Eliza from the Illuminati card game – Eliza is also the name of an early A.I. computer language, the name is taken from the character Eliza in the musical My Fair Lady starring Audrey Hepburn, itself based on George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion which in turn is from the Greek mythology where Pygmalion falls in love with one of his sculptures which comes alive — sounds familiar to Rev 13.15? “Is it really alive, or does it just think it is?” the card reads; and Ilia (Persis Khambatta), the embodied cosmic A.I. system that merges with a man making a new creation at the end of Star Trek the Motion Picture – the actress starred in another movie (Warrior of the Lost World, 1983) featuring an A.I. computer named Einstein and a cyborg body-double. Any resemblances are pure coincidence.

Also, as previously stated in this blog post, in Revelation 13 the false prophet posing as Elijah who is expected to renew the Sinai covenant by the rabbis is giving the priestly hand salute which is used as the mark of the Beast (false messiah posing as God) imitating the mark of God going back to said Sinai covenant in the Torah. I showed how the two hands forming the Hebrew letter “Shin” for the name, Shaddai, when held together touching at the forefingers and thumbs formed the triangle (or even the “arrowhead” like on the patches depending on the position of the thumbs now that I think about it) found atop the pyramid surrounded by the glory of the holy of holies on the dollar bill introduced by masons, which was an allusion to the wings of the cherubim lifted up over the ark touching and also forming a triangle with the mercy seat where God’s glory (Holy Spirit, Shekhinah, etc) resided and His watchful eye was set under the wings according to Psalm 17.8. God is also called, “the all-seeing Lord” in 2Maccabees 9.5, see also 15.2, and Abraham Cohen’s “Everyman’s Talmud” p 152).

The main purpose of freemasonry is to rebuild Solomon’s temple for the so-called Zionists, and quoting Rabbi Isaac Wise, founder of American Reform Judaism and Mason, who said Freemasonry was a Jewish institution, etc, further confirms this, which was already clear just from studying the master mason degree of the Blue Lodge and their overall subversive ‘work’ throughout history and the world, not to mention the obvious, namely that masons in practice are all about building and the building they are very concerned with in the lodge is Solomon’s temple. But Yeshua, Jesus, is the true cap stone the builders rejected:

I shall give You thanks, for You have answered me, and You have become my yeshua (“salvation”).
The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner.
This is the LORD’S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. (Psalm 118.21-23)

We spoke of many more things, but this is the jist.

But like many ideas, this connection I made, about using the corona virus scare to push the antichrist agenda to merge humanity with technology in an unholy marriage covenant (transgenderism being a stepping stone to transhumanism as described in my 2016 video) as depicted in Star Trek to condition the secular atheists with a nod to the renewing of the old Sinai covenant to become One, in defiance of God’s new covenant, through a perverted imitation of the priestly blessing of the mark of God as the seal of His people — this connection was made more explicit just a day or two later by the physician consulted by Congress who instructed them to use the Vulcan hand salute from Star Trek (which again is really the Levitical priestly hand sign, traditionally used in Synagogues and masonic lodges) to greet others, rather than shake hands, in order to minimize the spread of the corona virus. You can’t make this stuff up:



This is the usual pattern which I have documented before on this very blog post above, including on this very subject, in the previous case it was Hovind who began to regularly condition his congregation with the same salute just days after I explained the antichrist link and how it was being used to condition the masses in popular media on his own channel. He has essentially revealed himself to be a spy working for the antichrist, so-called Zionist, agenda or at the very least controlled by such. And here it is again popping up to condition the masses to the antichrist agenda (on the coattails of the corona virus scare while said agenda is being advanced by the corona virus scare) a day or two after I was talking about it being used to condition the masses to the antichrist agenda as described.

This is just the latest evidence in a very long trail of examples that I am being spied on by the groups discussed in this blog, every breath being recorded, having ideas stolen and twisted for evil as I show several examples on this and other posts, starting with Counting Coincidences in the Orwellian Panopticon Part 1 (UPDATE 2019-09-17). This is by no means even close to being an exhaustive recounting of these ‘coincidences.’ But it was a big one. I’m curious to get Henry’s reaction to this next time I see him at work.

Here’s a web archive of this blog from 2019-01-15 showing where I discussed the above Hovind case in this post.

End of 2020-03-12 update//]

[Here’s me under my TTS NEWS account in 2018-10-01 discussing blocked comments on Hovind’s channel and mention this weird ‘coincidence’ in a thread on the video titled, 9/30/18 -Dr. Kent Hovind- Bible Study for Bone Heads!:]

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[Before that post I made one on 2018-09-22 at 20:24 right after I saw the Q&A video mentioned above with the second Spock/shin reference:]

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[Again, the questions from Q&A are supposedly from several months back which Hovind is still catching up on. Hmmm.. The whole reason I warned of the reintroduction of the Mosaic law and old covenant is because this is what Revelation 13 and other texts indicate the false prophet will restore in perverted form in defiance of the new covenant and here it was being pushed on the video (about Ron Wyatt’s archeological work) where I posted the warning.]

[Now before both of the above posts were made, shortly after seeing the first reference to the Spock/shin hand sign in Kent’s video from 9/15/18 this other guy “George Hong” suddenly pops up in a long thread I had previously posted on from an unrelated video at Think Club’s youtube channel. Guess what he references just out of nowhere..]

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Screen grabbed on 2018-09-22 at 20:36 CST

[Here’s his avatar. Say cheeeeese!]

2018-09-22 2039 - George Hong.jpg

[I can’t tell you how many times stuff like this happens, I simply don’t have the energy, time or inclination to document it all and what you’ll find on this blog is just a tiny fraction. It’s nice to have reminders that I’m on the right side and you’ll be held up as the brown-shirt cancer cells of humanity before you’re blotted out forever. Keep it coming fellas! I’m right there laughing with God at your pathetic attempts to hold on to this decaying world and intimidate those who see you and will have to judge you one day — you’re only making my job easier.]

[[**UPDATE 2018-12-29: Another quick example of what I’m talking about happened just a couple days ago (among others) on 2018-12-27 after posting on a video about whistleblowers on Ron Paul’s youtube channel. Here’s the exchange:

2018-12-27 1156 - Flashback- Whistleblowers Panel at Ron Paul Institute Conference 2017.png

Here’s a closer look at this sock puppet profile pic:

2018-12-27 1156 - Nega pic.jpg

Same old boring tricks. You can see why they need to use spy tools to steal ideas constantly. BTW, as I said in the above post – I HIGHLY recommend viewing Kay Griggs’ staggering interview when you have a chance. I also started watching it again and interestingly she makes a comment about chaplains in the military being linked with spy activity which reminded me of Bob Walker (a chaplain) who also ‘coincidentally’ popped up yesterday (2018-12-28) on another video on a different channel where I made a comment with reference to this blog post (which refers to him of course). I’ll add this info in a mini update below where he comes up again. I must apologize, these updates inserted into the text and sometimes into older updates can get kinda confusing and messy. End update//]]

[Here’s around the time when I first started talking about the Spock/shin/mark connection in a txt after a longer discussion on 2018-07-01 and then left off until 2018-08-14 when I called Kent and mentioned it in passing along with Wyatt’s depiction of the ark of the covenant and again in September 2018 when I started elaborating on it and Kent started using it.]

Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 9.53.52 PM.png

[The 2002 US report mentioned here is discussed in my video Robot Sex and the Holy of Holies published on 2016-09-30 (which has been ripped off by the cointel stalkers and given to another payroll shill as I show in another blog post) and featured in my 2005 college paper, Revolution of the Mind: The Dreams of Aldous Huxley]


Below is from a post I made on 2018-07-25 in a youtube video.

The father of American Reform Judaism Rabbi Isaac Wise said, Freemasonry is a Jewish Institution (he was a mason too) – It’s nothing more than a Kabbalist Zionist front to recruit and compartmentalize Shabbos Goyim for the cause of the ‘great work’ of re-establishing Israel (done) and bring in a new temple for the false Jewish Messiah introduced by the false prophet ‘Elijah’ who is the second beast. (Freemasonry runs govt’s and intel agencies of the world too, so all the fighting/wars are contrived dialectics and can be halted by the false Messiah with the snap of a finger to bring in ‘peace’).

The “widow’s son” was resurrected by Elijah in 1Kings 17, a theme echoed in the Master Mason degree of the blue lodge [who in the masonic ritual is Hiram Abiff, the builder of Solomon’s temple], just as in Rev 13.3,12 we see the Antichrist is resurrected after a deadly head wound who will likely be raised by the fake Elijah to ‘prove’ himself a prophet of God in addition to calling down fire (Rev 13.13) as the real Elijah also did (1King 18) proving himself before the priests of Baal (which may represent Catholic priests, etc).

Freemasonry founded America for the ‘great work’ but it is to have the destiny of the phoenix (once considered for the national bird [and used by William Barton in a previous seal design]) and on its ashes will rise the new superpower center in Jerusalem (Mystery Babylon – where our Lord was crucified Rev 11.8). The embassy move and controlled demolition of the west are the latest steps part of this process. Don’t be surprised if we see the US Capitol (capitoline Jupiter temple) go up in flames one day — it sits in the belly of the ‘owl’ on the DC street map after all.

Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 6.50.15 AM.png
Phoenix in flames from an unused version of the obverse side of the Great Seal of the United States.


Update 2020-06-06 02:17 – My mind has been repeatedly returning to the last line in the preceding paragraph, originally written in 2018, for the last few days with what appears to be suspicious and escalating, provocateur-generated violence and rioting infiltrating peaceful protests in major cities across the country including the capitol in D.C.

It appears since the Corona Virus scare has already lost steam, a new virus has been unleashed to continue terrorizing the public; the new CDC numbers show the corona virus to be far less fatal (only 0.26 percent) than previously portrayed by the media and government officials who have been conspicuously silent about this good news.

The new virus being hyped now is the rogue network of sleeper military-intel actors embedded in society, private and public, online and offline, under the guise of various fronts – in this case protest groups, particularly Antifa and Black Lives Matters, with the help of their counterparts in government and media to make a tiny minority appear to be overblown in order to discredit the peaceful protests (based on a backstory that already looks highly suspect) and scare the vast majority into complying if not calling for ever stricter and more draconian measures, even Martial Law, to control the public and shut down individual freedoms under the guise of ‘safety.’

Leading the backlash against Trump’s announcement of intention to invoke the Insurrection Act to declare Martial Law should he deem necessary is former Defense Secretary and retired General James Mattis as well as current Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, followed by several more retired Generals, former Presidents and some Republican politicians in Washington.

This upfront show of resistance to Martial Law will provide nice cover, political immunity if you like, when or if they turn around and support Trump’s declaration of Martial Law after Congress, and/or perhaps the White House, is burned to the ground by the aforementioned rogue state actors in a false flag event similar to Hitler burning down the Reichstag in 1933 to blame it on his political enemies (Communists, same as Antifa/BLM is tied to by its political adversaries) and usurp all power. Already there have been fires near the White House this week.

To test my hypothesis, I decided to take a small sample of what some of the intel actors posing as news patriots might be messaging to psychologically prep their audiences for this event and was immediately knocked in the face with just the kind of predictable pre-programming in a not-so-subliminal signal for Alex Jones’ followers:

Screen Shot 2020-06-06 at 12.20.08 AM
Smouldering orange billows engulf the Capitol building in what appears to be a fire
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Bright orange fire-like clouds surround the Capitol dome as the backdrop for almost the entire length of the show on June 3, 2020

So the subconscious message was clearly being transmitted to the younger alt-media crowd. I wanted to see if there was any signaling for the older, more mainstream crowd. Yep. Apparently Tucker Carlson has used a similar theme with a bit more subtle image as his backdrop for the last few years as far as I have been able to find on Youtube, then again I did not see any shows older than 3 years (2017).

Here’s Tucker’s background image from the June 3, 2020 show:

2020-06-04 0651 - images of congress lit up yellow with flashes circling on Tucker Carlson show
Congress lit up orange-yellow with bright flashes circling it on Tucker’s show (June 3, 2020)

Here’s the same image being used in a show from 2017 talking about racial issues and Trump, coincidentally:

Screen Shot 2020-06-05 at 11.42.41 PM

Surely this is all coincidence.

Some reports have also pointed out the suspicious background and coincidence with George Floyd and officer Derek Chauvin in what may be yet another perfectly timed PSYOP with similar events in European countries following closely.

CBS Minnesota: George Floyd, Derek Chauvin Worked Security At Same Minneapolis Nightclub George Floyd and Police Officer Who Held Knee on Neck Worked Security at the Same Club Together

Washington Sentinel: Minneapolis Suspect George Floyd Appeared in Porn Videos

As I have said, this is the longterm plan and purpose behind not only all the wars and instability in the world but also the very Masonic foundations of America – to usher in the new superpower and center of gravity on the planet, based around a Freemasonic temple in Jerusalem with the new age Messiah and the false promise of a 1000 year golden age, on the ashes of the current world order.

Whatever happens in the coming months and years, whether we survive or not, if we are not in right relationship with the Almighty, reconciled through the atonement of Yeshua Jesus who warned of these things, nothing else matters.

End update//

The [or some] Jewish Rabbis associate the West and Christianity with Rome which they link with Edom and say we must be destroyed for them to rise – the US Capitol symbolizes one of the centers of heathen paganism (built by their Freemasonic hoodwinked puppets of course). They also took down the trade towers on the anniversary of Christ’s birth, Sept 11, 3 BC, according to the Gregorian calendar

[Another user asked: when you say owl are to talkin bohemian grove? Also I thought the DC street map was a pentagram am I mistaken? Great piece of writing too if I had one thing to critique it would be for the people that are just finding these things out it may be a little hard for them to understand but other than that great piece]

My reply: same circles, same concepts – a fiery sacrifice. That pentagram is really only the middle section of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life formatted into the DC map (some depictions of the tree don’t draw all the lines showing the pentagram). For instance Yesod (“Foundation”) corresponds with the phallic Washington Monument and the Masonic House of the Temple with Keter (“Crown”) above the White House/Oval office (Teferet, “Beauty”).

Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 8.30.32 AM.png

[The same user asked: do we know the reason or at least an educated guess as to why they took the towers down on such a religious day other then pure evil I know these sick mofos love there symbols]

My reply: To start more war in the mid east following the PNAC plans itself following the Yinon Plan which is the Greater Israel project trying to force the promise made in Genesis 15.18 (as King David tried when numbering the Israelites without authorization) and applying it to themselves (political Zionists) rather than the true promised Seed who is Yeshua (Gal 3.16). Anyone not born of the spirit under the New Covenant blood is not part of the inheritance and are not God’s covenant people, not true Jews (Rom 2.28-29; Rev 3.9).

Jesus said to them, “Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone; THIS CAME ABOUT FROM THE LORD, AND IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES ‘? “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it. (Mat 21.42-43)

Yeshua, Jesus is the true cap stone the temple builders (masons) have rejected for the Antichrist.


[Below is adapted from posts on the same thread from the top of this blog post]


An international hidden agenda (conspiracy if you wish) is explicitly in the word of God both from the OT and NT and indicates Jerusalem as the leader of it – that is until the table is turned against it and it’s decimated, save the 144,000 remnant in Judea sealed with God’s Name in their foreheads who were numbered in a census conducted by angels in Rev 7.4-8 (as opposed to the numbering of the wicked who enter into a covenant imitating the Mosaic covenant with the antichrist treated as God and marked with his own blasphemous names, cf Rev 13.1, 17.5).

Psalm 83:
3 They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against your treasured ones.
4 They have said, “Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, That the name of Israel be remembered no more.”
5 For they have conspired together with one mind; Against You they make a covenant

Psalm 2:
1 Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!”
4 He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.

[Funny how God laughs at the globalist conspirators while the media today usually tries to laugh at anyone who talks about the global conspiracy!]

[[**UPDATE 2018-12-08, 07:05 CST: As mentioned above, this Psalm was used in a video about God laughing uploaded by Bob Walker about 11 hours after this blog post was published mentioning Bob Walker, God laughing in Psalm 2, and coincidences – what a… coincidence. I asked him about it after I saw the notification of the video upload on my phone. BTW, I watch a variety of channels I don’t necessarily agree with including Bob’s divisive, ethnocentric views he promotes at times thus playing into the racial divide & conquer strategy counter to biblical Christianity (ie, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; you must be reborn spiritually to see the kingdom; those of faith are Abraham’s seed, etc).

Here’s a screenshot of the discussion:

2018-12-04 0505 - God Laughs pt 1 Psalms Chpt 2a.png
Screen grab taken on 2018-12-04 at 05:05 CST

Upload times highlighted side by side:

2018-11-30 1706.png
Screen grabbed 2018-11-30 at 17:06

With all the spying+copying/mirroring behavior I cover on this blog, I can’t be surprised at this, but I leave it here for your consideration. My take away thought (a similar idea pointed out in this blog post): Imagine the power to fake synchronicities and pass them off as the holy spirit/miracles to wow the unsuspecting with advanced spy-tech in the hands of the Antichrist and his false prophet combined with AI and other untold technologies and surprise biblical relics waiting in the wings to convince the world of their ‘authenticity’ as men of God – the ‘lying signs and wonders’ the scriptures warn about, cf Mat 24.24; 2The 2.9; Rev 13.13-4; John 4.48; Cp 1King 17.24. End update/]]

[[Update 2018-12-29: As stated above, yesterday (2018-12-28) I noticed Chaplain Bob Walker posted on the second video in a series of interviews with author and attorney Constance Cumby on Tru News’s youtube channel the day after I posted a comment in a thread on the first video in the series with a reference to this very blog post which as you can see mentions the odd coincidences involving “Chaplain Bob.” Another funny coincidence to add on I guess. (BTW, my post was ghosted and immediately followed by yet another weird ‘coincidence’ involving the screen name of the person who posted after me named “Cuppa Pg Tips,” which involves a recent backstory I won’t get into (ok basically I had just thrown out my box of PG Tips recently because it was a bad batch or something and spent a good portion of the day reviewing other kinds of teas and shopping for some online – petty stuff these demented psycho spytards [a term I recently coined and probably already stolen by a payroll shill by now] apparently relish in which Kay Griggs also gives examples of and I could prob write a book about full of examples) – and BTW I try to rule out these ‘coincidences’ that follow me by looking at the other names that were already there before me to see if I can find something coincidental about them and 99% of the time cannot. After seeing the first post was blocked I made a second post linking to a screenshot of the ghosted comment showing others that censorship is alive and well on youtube which basically covered the same info I talk about here regarding rabbi Isaac Wise, Freemasonry, the anti-Elijah and the shin hand sign, etc.)

Anyways, here’s “Chaplain Bob” at the bottom of the second video from the series:

2018-12-28 1450 - (chap bob pops up within hours on 2nd cumby vid, coincidentaly).png
Screen grabbed on 2018-12-28 at 14:50 CST. His full post is cut off by the screen.

Interestingly the day before, I had recommended viewing the testimony of whistleblower wife Kay Griggs on Ron Paul’s channel and last night/this morning while reviewing it again my ears perked up at the part where she comments about how chaplains are known to be involved with spy activity (similar to Catholic priests in confession booths gathering dirt for blackmail I suppose) and it reminded me about what just happened hours earlier with chaplain Bob and the recent weird spy-like activity previously documented above. Here’s where she speaks about it briefly in the interview. Maybe it’s just another one of those darn coincidences? lol. End update//]]

Revelation 17:
1 “Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,
2 with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her immorality.”
(NAU) 18.3 also says: “and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality”

Who is the Harlot woman?

Revelation 17:
18 “The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth [or land].” (NAU, my note in brackets)

The great harlot is that great city where Yeshua was crucified:

Revelation 11:
8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically [Lit. spiritually] is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified (NAU,  translator note in brackets)

Eventually the agreement falls apart and the 10 sovereigns turn against Jerusalem:

Revelation 17:
16 And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.
17 For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled.

This scenario is a repetition of a previous situation from the OT when apostate Israel was playing the harlot with various nations after the time of Solomon who set up a trade-bloc in the middle east which went downhill in Ezekiel 16.35-39; Egypt, Philistia, Assyria, Chaldea are named in vv 26-29. The next time around indicates the nations that make up the 10 toes/horns mentioned in the book of Daniel and Revelation are the 10 nations surrounding Israel named in Psalm 83.6-8 which just happens to include the land included in the ‘Greater Israel’ project pursuant to Genesis 15.18 as misapplied by political Zionists to themselves rather than Christ whom they reject (fulfilling Psalm 118.22) and His covenant people, that is His bride.



Since I last posted, the new controversial ‘Jewish Nation-State law’ has passed the Knesset in Israel with some interesting clauses that pertain to the regathering or ingathering of the diaspora making the above mentioned census (indicated in Rev 13.17-18) of the regathered tribes that much closer to reality:

[Image: image.png]

That the Sabbath will be strictly enforced in the time of the Antichrist is also indicated by Yeshua:

“Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. […] But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.” (Mat 24.15-21)

The new law also sets the table for this to happen at some point ahead of us.

[Image: image.png]


Related material:

The Spirit of Satan Made Flesh

VIDEO: Kent Hovind and the Deep State Underworld

Anti-Elijah the False Prophet of Revelation

666 – The Revelation from Moses and Ezra (UPDATE 2018-06-17)

Sophia and Eliza: Coincidence by Design

Sunday Law = Mark of the Beast?

Robot Sex & the Holy Place Pt 1 – Satanic Transhuman AI Sex Magick Singularity in a Freemasonic Temple

Masonic Marriage: Kabbalah wizards and Christian Zionists in American churches

PDF: A Strategy for Israel in the Ninteen Eighties by Oded Yinon [1982]

Jerusalem Post: Israel and the Unexpected New World Order (2017-07-10)

Israel Should Cease it’s Military Conquests Post Haste! [2001-10-01] Ernest L. Martin’s last article and one of the most important.

Haaretz: Israel recruits ‘army of bloggers’ to combat anti-Zionist Web (2009-01-19)

Haaretz: Israel sets up secret firm with top ex-generals, envoys for online ‘mass awareness’ campaign ‘to fight deligitimization'(2018-01-09)

Times of Israel: Diaspora Ministry unveils system for tracking online anti-Semitism (2018-01-25)